When we imagine ourselves in a dire situation, we think we’d bold and courageous to take action, but the truth is that most of the time all reason goes out the window.
But what happened here is not the same case at all, and we’re taking about a 7-year-old boy who didn’t hesitate to gather his courage and save his parents when three armed men forced their way into the family’s house.

Carlos, the little boy, was of course terrified of the sight of his parents being threatened by the assailants, so he ran to the bathroom with his little sister and what he did there has now been getting praise from people all over the net.
Thanks to his mom, who taught him emergency scenarios, the youngster knew exactly what to do. While the attackers kept harassing the parents, Carlos quickly dialed 911.
Carlos said: “There’s some guys! They’re going to kill my mom and dad, can you come please. … Can you come really fast? PLEASE, PLEASE.”

Los Angeles County sheriff’s dispatcher Monique Patino was the one who received Carlos’ call, she later said that every help call is different but this one was “horrific”.
Carlos told Monique that the strangers had guns and were going to shoot his mom and dad. “Bring cops … lots of them!” he begged.
Monique could hear the little sister crying, she tried to keep Carlos calm, reassuring him that the police are on the way, but then things took a horrible turn when Monique suddenly heard the screams of the two little kids.
Monique recalled: “Once I heard the screams, I’m holding the phone and shaking, in tears. All I can hear is them screaming.”

The armed assailants heard sounds coming from the bathroom and quickly realized that there’s someone else hiding there, the broke down the door and there they discovered Carlos and his little sister, they demanded to know who they had been speaking to.
7-year-old Carlos bravely told them that he’d called the police and they would arrive in any moment, causing the men to do something totally unexpected.
Carlos is a brave little boy, his quick smart reaction saved all his family members
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