Using tiny models that are all less than an inch in height, husband and wife team Kurt and Edwige Moses have created these amazing series of photographs which they fittingly titled “Un Petit Monde” or “A Small World” in English.
It all started back in the summer of 2010 when Kurt was wanting to explore a new and more creative side to his photography. Since then it has really grown into a passion that takes up most of their time, with Kurt shooting and processing the photos, conceiving of the scenes, creating the props and dealing with all of the technical aspects of their project. While Edwige coordinates the day-to-day tasks such as researching locations, ordering materials, coordinating travels and interacting with people inquiring about the work.
When asked how the series name came about, Kurt replied;
Edwige happens to be French and when we were brainstorming a title for our project, she asked: “What about Un Petit Monde?”. Perfect I thought! By the way, the pronunciation sounds like: Uh-Peh-Tee-Moaned.
Below are some examples of their work, of tiny little figurines enjoying the vast outdoors. You can find many, MANY more on their website (Un Petit Monde).

These images actually make me want to get off my ass and go outside and enjoy nature for a while. But then I remember just how comfy my sofa is.